Black Gradvity

Gradvity is a weekly get together focused around fellowship and community building within the Black/African graduate students at Princeton University.  We meet weekly in the Frist Dining center and a coupon is provided for 5$ off of your meal/coffee.

The date, time, and host often vary by semester.

In the past a single lunch lady has been responsible for taking the coupons from BGC members and taking 5 dollars off their meal. However, there are days when she may not be there. If this happens, look for the closest manager at Frist and tell them about this initiative and that it has been running for 5+ years.

Stanley Sieminski was the final contact with BGC coupons (sieminsk@exchange.Princeton.EDU).  You can email him and ask if you re-institute the same system as last year.  If he ask for searching purposes, the previous emails would have been sent by me.  The tickets we used are also attached if you need them.  Let me know if you have other questions or need something else.

Theresea Crotty has reached out this year (’21) and said the following protocol should be used for each semester: In the past we would be contacted by a board member for confirmation that they wanted to continue with the vouchers and we could provide billing related to the redemption of the vouchers. Also, the staff and Theresea should be notified of the day and time for gradvity.

If none of the above work, contact Sarah Mullins in the Grad School/ADI office and maybe then we can solidify this group initiative if there are more issues.